Building healthy habits for kids & parents in a fun way

Branding strategy & visual design


When the founder of Chícharos Mágicos (magic beans in Spanish), approached me to create the visual identity, I proposed to help her define not only the visual aspects but also work together to nail the personality, audience and brand communication as part the scope of the project. 

Fun as the main ingredient

Chícharos Mágicos was a monthly-based subscription that delivered portioned ingredients to prepare a recipe with your kids, plus a short-illustrated story and a fun activity. Its main audiences were moms & dads who wanted to share quality time and experiences with their kids around food. The brand promise was to deliver a memorable and healthy experience so that families can love and enjoy healthy food in an effortless way.  

Magical collaboration

I worked closely with the founder in a co-creative and iterative process to define the core aspects of the brand through workshops using Design Thinking and Service Design methods. 

The workshops were focused on the vision and values of the brand, value proposition, personas, brand personality, brand voice and tone. 

from insight to Design concept
Creative, curious & friendly

After the workshops, I synthesized the information and with a well-rounded brand and identified audience; I used the values, personality and voice as my north star to bring the brand to life.

Throughout my creative process, I made sure that the visual identity: logo, color palette, typography and graphic elements reflected the brand values, personality and voice in a playful and friendly way. The design approach was functional and flexible enough to adapt to different touchpoints for the brand (physical and digital).

A visual identity full of joy


Visual Identity 
Print materials. 

1. Letterhead  2. Business Cards (front & back) 3. Envelope  4. Stickers


Extended design materials
1. Recipe Cover  2. Recipe Layout  3. Illustrated short stories 

A playful & informative brand book


Let’s work together

I’m open to collaborations with fun & friendly people. If you’re looking for someone to partner with for branding, design or illustration projects, contact me.